DaisyNotes; Attach Notes to Lightroom Collections and Folders

Attach Markdown notes to Lightroom collections, folders and other Lightroom sources.


Download the plugin Here and install as you would any Lightroom plugin using File->Plugin Manager from Lightroom
Screenshot 2020-06-24 at 09.02.02
In the plugin's settings panel select the Markdown editor you'd like to use to edit and view notes. Typora works well enough but any editor that can be run from a command line and accept filenames on its command line will do.

For speed of workflow you may find it useful to add shortcuts for DaisyNotes' menu item using System Preferences->Keyboard->Shortcuts as described here


From Lightroom's File->Plugin Extras menu select Edit/Create Note. If the source you have selected doesn't have an attached note, one is created for you with the source path as a header in the file. The new or existing note is displayed for you.


The plugin has been tested on OS X 10.15, Catalina using Lightroom Classic, 9.2.1. It may work on Windows but could require some adjustment to code. I have no way of testing on other operating systems or versions but I'd be happy to include any changes anybody may make in this release. The plugin is not compiled, Lua source is easily accessible.

DaisyNotes requires a Markdown editor of some kind. My preference is Typora (http://typora.io (MacOS), although most editors should function so long as they can be started with a file name as a command line parameter. Set your own editor preference in the plugin's preferences.

Note locations

Folder notes are named for the folder they're attached to – DaisyNote.md – and placed in their associated folder.

Other source – collection – notes are saved in <CatalogName>.DaisyNotes/<uid>.md in the same folder as the Lightroom catalog being worked on, where <CatalogName> is the name of the current catalog and <uid> is the source's uid.

Naming is a bit obtuse but it avoids filename clashes.

The plugin loosely assumes markdown, for no other reason than I like its convenience but there's no reason, in principle, why other text editors couldn't be used. I'd be happy to look at it if there's demand.


  • Colour label sources that have notes.

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